Occupational Therapist, Department of Occupational and Recreational Therapies

University of Utah Occupational Therapy Life Skills Clinic
417 Wakara Way, Ste 1410
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
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Dr. Schneider currently practices as an occupational therapist in a pediatric outpatient clinic at the University of Utah. She has experience working with sensory integration difficulties and sensory dysregulation, as well as treating children and adults with various developmental, neurobehavioral, and mental health diagnoses. Dr. Schneider was trained in the No Pressure Approach to Feeding in 2018, the SOS Approach to Feeding in 2020, and was certified as a provider for the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) by the Tourette Association of America in 2021. She serves as a clinical instructor for occupational therapy students during their Level I and Level II fieldwork experiences. Since 2018, she has taken her work internationally as she collaborates with the Moulay Ali Institute for Rehabilitation in Marrakech, Morocco to provide occupation-based training and services to clinic staff and clientele.

Selected Bibliography:

Kirby AV, Schneider M, Diener M, Henderson J.
"Who Is Going to Pay for the Wi-Fi?" Exploring Adulthood from the Perspectives of Autistic Youth.
Autism Adulthood. 2019;1(1):37-43. PubMed abstract / Full Text